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Multi- UV LED, Portable NDT Inspection Lamps with ∮300mm UV Spot
Website:www.greatuv.com    Time:2016-10-26 14:53    Author:GreatUV

We have marketed a powerful, multi-LED, broad-beam UV-A (365 nm) inspection lamps. The Model is UP300-F. It is specially designed to meet ASTM UV-A intensity and wavelength specifications for FPI and MPI.


Extremely compact and lightweight, the UP300-F with battery weighs just 525 g. Instant-on operation allows the lamp to reach full intensityimmediately! The lamp provides twice the output of conventional 150-watt lamps and has a 50,000-hour LED service life.


The UP300-F is engineered with four high power UV-A LEDs for fluorescent inspection. The broad-beam configuration produces an extremely wide coverage area of up to 12 inches (300 cm), with a nominal UV-A intensity of 5,000 µW/cm² at 15 inches (38 cm).


The UP300-F is equipped with internal black light filters that further reduce the emission of wavelengths longer than 400 nm. A certificate of compliance for both wavelength and output measurements is supplied with each lamp.


Along with the UP300-F UV lamp, the kits contain 2pcs rechargeable Li-ion battery pack, a smart 100-240V AC charger and UV-absorbing glasses. All components are packed in a soft, lightweight carrying case.

TypeInfo: Product News
Keywords for the information:Multi-,LED,Portable,NDT,Inspec

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